Got questions?
Want to explore faith?
Try Alpha!
Alpha is a friendly and informal chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share your point of view. Each evening starts with a free meal, and includes a short film and time for discussion.

We will be running an online Alpha starting Wednesday 22nd July 2020. Each session looks at different questions around faith that are thought provoking and designed to create conversation.
For those who already have a Christian faith it is an opportunity to learn and share with others. For those who are interested in learning more about the Christian faith it is an opportunity to ask questions and explore Christianity in a safe, non-judgemental way.
Alpha begins 7pm with a warm welcome and a DVD presentation to promote discussion, bring a cuppa or a glass! The sessions finish at 9pm. They will be held online using zoom. If you are unfamiliar with zoom instructions and help to access it will be given beforehand.
Alpha is for everyone and everyone is welcome.
Wednesdays 7pm till 9pm starting 22nd July
Contact Rev’d Geraldine Ashton at gezzalou@aol.com if you are interested.