Baptism marks the beginning of an individual’s journey with God. You can be baptised as a child (also called christening) or as an adult. It is a wonderful celebration of the love of God – who created the world, who came to meet us in person in Jesus and who is present with us now as the Holy Spirit – and how this love reaches out to each one of us from the earliest moments of our lives. Baptism is an exciting moment and deserves a big celebration!
Baptism is just the beginning of the journey. Real joy is found in a whole life lived God’s way, in the company of God’s people who gather as the church, and engaged with the beauty and brokenness of God’s world. If you have already been baptised and would like to make another step of commitment to God, you may like to consider confirmation. At confirmation, an individual reaffirms the promises made at their baptism and receives the laying on of hands from the Bishop.
Wherever you are on your journey, if you are interested in exploring more about faith, we would love to hear from you. We regularly host informal courses, are happy to chat one to one, and can recommend good books and videos to get you started.
There is lots of information about christenings, adult baptisms and confirmations on the Church of England website. If you are interested in getting baptised yourself, baptising your child, or exploring other ways to mark your journey of faith, please get in touch with Revd Craig Marshall.