We’d love for you to get involved with our community.
There are lots of ways to connect with us.

I’m new!
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
Whether you’re new to the area, new to church or just new to us, we’d love to get to know you – why not join our Facebook community and introduce yourself?
If you’re thinking of attending a service for the first time, our services page gives more info on what to expect.
If you’re exploring Christianity and would like some tips on where to start, get in touch via our contact page – we’d love to chat.

Children & Families
Children are at the heart of the church family!
We have an all-age family service every Sunday at different churches across our cluster.
Get involved with Good Morning Café at St Kew school.

Pastoral Care
Sometimes life gets tough. If you or someone you know would like a friendly visit, support or prayer, we are just a phone call away.
Contact our lay pastoral visitors team via
Revd Geraldine Ashton on 07957609085.

Home Groups
Home groups are a great way to connect with others, have fun and explore faith together.
Our home groups take place midweek. If you’re interested in joining one, get in touch through the contact us page for more information.

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