We are being invited by the Bishops of the Church of England to join a national conversation about gender, identity, sexuality, celibacy and relationships.
These are important and sensitive topics which touch all our lives deeply. They are fundamental questions about what it means to be human; to love and be loved; to be true to ourselves and faithful to God. Yet we often struggle to talk about them: we can feel shame, fear or uncertainty about how others will perceive us. Some of us have had painful experiences in the past, and are wary of opening up to others and risk being misunderstood or condemned. Knowing there is division and disagreement amongst Christians about these topics, we sometimes wish simply to avoid controversy.
To help us think about these important questions, the Church of England has produced a specially-designed small group course, Living in Love and Faith.
The five-session course helps us look at changes in society, different understandings of scripture and tradition, and hear real-life stories from a variety of perspectives. It is carefully and gently put together to help us explore, share, learn and listen to one another and, most importantly, to God. At the end of our conversations we will have a chance to feed back our thoughts to the House of Bishops, who will be making important decisions about these issues. This is an opportunity both to contribute to the national conversation, and also to grow as Christians and a church community.
Whether you have thought about these questions a lot or not at all,
you are warmly invited to join us.
The five-week course will be held
Mondays 7.30-9.30pm
over Zoom
starting 19th April
If you would like to join the course, or if you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Revd Rose.
To read more about Living in Love and Faith, visit llf.churchofengland.org.
To find out more about how Truro Diocese are involved with Living in Love and Faith,
visit https://trurodiocese.org.uk/resources/discipleship/llf/.