The Fifth Sunday after Trinity
12th July
Additional Collect
Almighty God,
send down upon your Church
the riches of your Spirit,
and kindle in all who minister the gospel
your countless gifts of grace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Holy Habits – Eating Together with Gladness and Generosity
If you kept one, read through your own diary or journal for the past year; or you could write your own summary of events from the past year. As you do so, notice and try to name your feelings. Don’t let these feelings be judgement upon you or your past but take them in prayer to the God of Gladness and Generosity, giving God time to speak back to you.
Sunday Services
We are delighted that we can begin to worship together in person again. Initially we will be offering one Cluster Service at 11am in one of the larger churches. Please contact Revd Elizabeth if you are planning to come (Email or phone 07758 407661). We ask you to follow all of the safety advice you are given when you attend, and do not come if you are ill.
Although we will be doing all that we can to make things safe, please be aware that there is still a risk, especially for those in vulnerable groups.
We are continuing to record short services in different styles and uploading these to our facebook group and YouTube (via our website
Sunday 12th July: Trinity 5
11am – Online: Morning Worship – Rose Jones
11am – Cluster Service at St Minver: Morning Worship – Rose Jones
Sunday 19th July: Trinity 6
11am – Online: Morning Worship – Geraldine Ashton
11am – Cluster Service at St Minver: Holy Communion – Elizabeth Wild and Geraldine Ashton
What to expect when attending church services
When you come to church, you will be asked for your name and contact phone number. You will be asked to sanitise your hands and sit 2 metres from other people not in your household, keeping a distance at all times. All the words that you will need for the service will be on the screen at the front. There will be no service booklets. There may be music, but no singing together.
If it is a service of Holy Communion, then you will be able to receive the consecrated bread only – this is still full communion. There will be a one-way system for you to follow to come up and receive standing. The priest will have sanitised hands and be wearing a mask and will drop the host into your open hand. If you prefer you may stay in your seat and pray a prayer of spiritual communion.
We trust that God will be with us as we worship, even though it may feel very strange, and we will be holding all those present and all those at home in our prayers as we gather.
The Julian Group and anyone who would like to join us, meets each in our own home at 7pm every Thursday. We light a candle and read a passage from the Bible followed by silence. Then we read the second passage followed by silence and ending with Compline or our own prayers. Different members choose the readings each week. This Thursday 16th July they are Amos 5: 21-24 & Romans 12: 1-18 ending with Compline or your own prayers.
Home Groups and Daily Prayer
Our Home Groups are staying in touch via phone, email and social media. We are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like hard copies of spiritual resources, or need help getting on to facebook, please contact
Revd Rose (01208 592353 –
Worship and prayer at home
We have updated a section of the website with a variety of resources to help people worship and pray from home: If you know of someone who would appreciate any of these printed and posted to them, do let us know.

Wednesdays 7pm till 9pm starting 22nd July. Contact Rev’d Geraldine for an invite at
Private Prayer in Church Buildings
Our church buildings are now able to open for individual private prayer. St Endellion, St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly) are all open during the day every day. St Kew will be open Thursday-Sunday during the day. St Minver will be open by appointment – please contact Revd Elizabeth. St Peter’s, Port Isaac, remains closed due to construction work. When visiting, please take great care to cleanse your hands regularly and keep a 2 metre distance at all times. We ask you to follow all the guidance on display in the buildings and please do not visit any of our churches if you have cold or ‘flu symptoms.
Got 5 minutes?
We’ve been worshipping online for nearly three months now and we’d love your help as we start to look to the future. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts on our online worship. Thank you!
Cluster Zoom Meetings
We have started to meet together for fellowship through Zoom. Zoom is an internet based video conferencing tool that allows a host to invite others to a virtual meeting using a computer, laptop or iphone. Our host for the cluster is Rev’d Geraldine. Zoom is very easy to use and help is available to get you started. David Foster and Marcus Jones have kindly offered to do some one to one teaching sessions over the phone. Everybody is welcome to attend a zoom meeting and it is a lovely way to see each other in this time of social distancing, just let Geraldine know if you are interested and she will invite you along.
Revd Geraldine Ashton – 07957 609085 /

Please pray for
The sick, among them Claudia Tom, Rosalind Smith & Jane Windeler and all affected by the coronavirus.
Pray for the NHS, care workers and all front line workers and volunteers. We pray for race equality and for all victims of race crime and brutality.
Remember all those who have died recently. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Martha Tyler, Paul Worden, Pat Gaunt and Desmond Masters.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Endellion.
Keeping in touch
We will be keeping in touch with people by phone and we may be able to assist in practical ways as well. Please contact Revd Elizabeth (07758 407661 – if you want to know more.

If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see:
Please find resources, previous services and more at our website:
North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661
Email: St Minver Vicarage
YouTube channel