Sunday 17th September
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Additional Collect:
Lord God, defend your Church from all false teaching
and give to your people knowledge of your truth,
that we may enjoy eternal life
in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Sunday Services & Events for the week
Sunday 17th September
9.30am – Holy Communion, St Kew
9.30am – Holy Communion, St Peter’s
11am – Sung Eucharist, St Endellion
11am – Holy Communion, St Minver
3pm – Evensong, St Enodoc
6pm – Evensong, St Michael
Tuesday 19th September
8.30am – Holy Communion, St Endellion
Tuesday 21st September – St Matthew’s Day
7pm – Day Mothers Union Wave of Prayer Eucharist, St Endellion
Sunday 24th September
9.30am – Morning Worship, St Kew
9.30am – Harvest Festival Morning Worship, St Peter’s
11am – Book Festival Service, St Endellion
11am – Harvest Festival Morning Worship, St Minver
3pm – Evensong, St Enodoc
6pm – Harvest Festival Evensong, St Michael
Morning Prayer at St Endellion on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 9am.
Please pray for
The sick. All affected by the war in Ukraine and across the world. We remember all those who have died and been affected by war. We pray for all those in need in the current financial climate.
Pray for the NHS, care workers and all front line workers and volunteers.
We pray for race and gender equality and for all victims of race or gender crime and brutality. Pray for everyone on their own or unable to be with their family.
Remember all those who have died recently and those who are bereaved.
We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Teddy Rogers.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Kew.
News and Events
Service of Thanksgiving for Bishop Philip & Ruth Mounstephen Choral Evensong service of thanksgiving & farewell on Sunday, September 17th, 4pm at Truro Cathedral followed by refreshments and an opportunity to thank Bishop Philip and Ruth. This is an open event to which everyone is invited. There is no need to RSVP. Clergy and Readers are invited to robe if they wish.
Love in its infinite variety is the theme of a second poetry booklet being produced by Prebendaries Paul Fiddes and Judith Pollinger. Among the poets who have contributed to the booklet are Rowan Williams, Craig Marshall Frances Kent and John May. Copies cost £8 but may be purchased for £5 from Judith for church members. Poems from the booklet will be read by the poets during a special Book Festival service being arranged and led by Craig and Judith 11am in St Endellion Church at 11am on Sunday 24th.
St Michael and All Angels Holy Communion 9.30am Friday 29th St Endellion
Ecumenical Choral Evensong By kind invitation of Lay Prebendary Joanna Cook, all welcome to an ecumenical Choral Evensong at St Germans Priory Church at 7pm Friday 29th September.
VISION DAY – Saturday 21st October – 10am to 3pm – St Endellion Hall
Craig invites you all to the Cluster Vision Day he is leading on Saturday 21st October at 10am to 3pm in St Endellion Hall. This is open to all who have a heart for our shared Christian ministry. The day will provide an opportunity to share ideas for outreach, worship, pastoral care and social activities which will be used to form a plan for the coming months and years. Coffee and tea will be provided but please bring your own pack lunch. It promises to be a positive and enjoyable day. Everyone is invited and will be very welcome.