North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
Week beginning 1st March
The First Sunday of Lent

Additional Collect:
Heavenly Father,
your Son battled with the powers of darkness,
and grew closer to you in the desert:
help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer
that we may witness to your saving love
in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen

Holy Habits: Serving
Consider keeping a diary or journal as part of your Lent journey. Reflect on where you have offered or received service. How did it make you feel?
Did you find any of it challenging? Why or why not?

Sunday Services

St Kew 9.30am Holy Communion Geraldine Ashton, Elizabeth Wild & Henry Gompertz
St Peter 9.30am Morning Worship in the Village Hall Rose Jones
St Endellion 11am Sung Eucharist Andrew Lewis
St Minver 11am Holy Communion Rose Jones, Elizabeth Wild & Henry Gompertz
St Enodoc 3pm Evensong Geraldine Ashton & Henry Gompertz
St Michael 6pm Evensong Henry Gompertz

Services & Events for the week

Everyone is welcome to attend

Tuesday 3
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP), St Endellion, Judith Pollinger
7pm Alpha Course, Community hall, St Kew Highway, Free to attend, all welcome.

Wednesday 4
8.45am Good Morning Café, St Kew Academy
10am Holy Communion, St Minver, Andrew Lewis

Thursday 5
11am Bible Study at Brayfield. If you would like to attend and haven’t been before, please phone: 862665
7pm Lent Course, St Endellion Hall (pto for more info)

Friday 6
10am Minifingers, Perceval Institute

Saturday 7
11am Funeral of Cyril Spry, St Endellion

Sunday 8th March – Second Sunday of Lent

St Kew 9.30am All Age Worship Celebration of Bell-Ringers Geraldine Ashton & Rob Soley
St Peter 9.30am Holy Communion in Village Hall Elizabeth Wild & Corinne Tournay
St Endellion 11am Sung Eucharist Judith Pollinger
St Minver 11am All Age Worship Rose Jones & Jill Gompertz
St Enodoc 3pm Evensong Bill Nimmo
St Michael 9.15am Holy Communion Judith Pollinger
6pm Evensong Elizabeth Wild

Please pray for the sick, among them Michael Broadfoot, Claudia Tom & Rosalind Smith. Remember all those who have died recently including Shirley Bissett, Paula Clarke, Peter Stevens, and Clarence Smith. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Jean Hodge and John Hibbert.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Kew.

Diary Dates & News

Messy Church Easter – Tuesday afternoons, 3.30-5.30pm, Perceval Institute, St Minver, including crafts, food, games, songs and stories. 17th March, 7th April.

Alpha Course Every Tuesday 3rd March to 14th April. At the community hall, St Kew Highway, 7pm till 9pm. Free to attend, all welcome. Please contact Geraldine or Rose for information.

Lent Course. Studying and discussing ‘Being Christian’ by Rowan Williams. Thursday at 7pm on 5,12,19, 26 March & 2nd April in the Endellion Hall except for 12th March in the Stone Barn. Details from Judith Pollinger 880181.

Funeral of Paula Clarke will be at Glynn Valley Crematorium on Wednesday 11th March at 12:30pm

Balagan Café Band, Friday 13 March, 7.30pm. Ranging from Parisian and American Jazz and the Chalabi music of Algeria to Argentine Tango and Balkan folk melodies, the band fuses these threads into an energizing and evocative sound. Tickets £10 from

Reflective study day: ‘Know Your Herods’ led by Prebendary Andrew Lewis. 21st March, Starts in Endellion Hall at 10am with coffee and ends at 3pm. Cost £10. Bring picnic lunch.

North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and
St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly)
Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661
Email: St Minver Vicarage