North Cornwall Cluster of Churches
Third Sunday of Easter
Additional Collect Risen Christ, you filled your disciples with boldness and fresh hope: strengthen us to proclaim your risen life and fill us with your peace, to the glory of God the Father, Amen. Sunday Services The church continues to be alive and active, but our buildings must close. We are recording short services in different styles and uploading these to our facebook group and YouTube (via our website Sunday 26th April: 11am – Morning Prayers with Revd Geraldine Ashton on our YouTube channel Sunday 3rd May: 4pm – Evensong with Revd Elizabeth Wild on our YouTube channel The Julian Group and anyone who would like to join us, meets each in our own home at 7pm every Thursday. We light a candle and read a passage from the Bible followed by silence. Then we read the second passage followed by silence and ending with Compline or our own prayers. Different members choose the readings each week. This Thursday 30th April they are Psalm 46 and Philippians 4. 4-9. Home Groups and Daily Prayer Our Home Groups are staying in touch via phone, email and social media. We are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like hard copies of spiritual resources, or need help getting on to facebook, please contact Revd Rose (01208 592353 – Please pray for The sick, among them Michael Broadfoot, Claudia Tom, Rosalind Smith & Jane Windeler and all affected by the coronavirus. Pray for the NHS and all front line workers and volunteers. Remember all those who have died recently including Joey Thomas. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Patricia Manners. Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St Minver. Diary Dates & News Private graveside funeral for Joey Thomas, Wednesday 29th April, St Endellion Cemetery. Keeping in touch We will be keeping in touch with people by phone and we may be able to assist in practical ways as well. Please contact Revd Elizabeth (07758 407661 – if you want to know more. Christian Aid Week 10-16 May Covid-19 means that donations for Christian Aid week are having to be processed in different ways this year. Christian Aid are advising us to log on to their website – where you will be shown the different ways in which you can make a donation. If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see: Please find resources, previous services and more at our website: North Cornwall Cluster of Churches for the parishes of St Kew, St Endellion with St Peter, Port Isaac and St Minver with St Enodoc (Trebetherick) and St Michael (Porthilly) Rector: Elizabeth Wild. Tel: 07758 407661 Email: St Minver Vicarage YouTube channel |