The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
30th August
Additional Collect
God of constant mercy,
who sent your Son to save us:
remind us of your goodness,
increase your grace within us,
that our thankfulness may grow,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen
Holy Habits – Eating Together with Gladness and Generosity
Reflect on what might be shadows to your prayer life- the goliaths of life or perhaps unanswered prayer. Light a candle for them and let the flame hold the shadow for you. Try to hold the time in silence. When you blow out the candle watch the wisp of smoke and know that God know holds the shadow too. Do this as often as need to – God never tires.
Sunday Services
It has been wonderful to be able to worship together in person again. We will be increasing the number of services in church in the next weeks, but places are still limited.
If you would like to come, please contact Revd Elizabeth, stating the date, time and place of the church service you wish to attend (Email or phone 07758 407661). If that service is already full, we will let you know.
For more information about Sunday services and what to expect, please visit our website.
We are continuing to record short services in different styles and uploading these to our facebook group and YouTube (via our
Sunday 30th August: Trinity 12
Online: Morning Worship
9.30am – Cluster Service at St Kew: Holy Communion
11am – Cluster Service at St Endellion: Holy Communion
Sunday 6th September: Trinity 13
Online: All Age Worship
9.30am – Cluster Service at St Minver: Holy Communion
11am – Cluster Service at St Kew: Holy Communion
The Julian Group and anyone who would like to join us, meets each in our own home at 7pm every Thursday. We light a candle and read a passage from the Bible followed by silence. Then we read the second passage followed by silence and ending with Compline or our own prayers. Different members choose the readings each week. Thursday 3rd September they are Matthew 6. 25-31 and Matthew 25. 35-41.
Please pray for
The sick, among them Claudia Tom, Rosalind Smith & Jane Windeler and all affected by the coronavirus.
Pray for the NHS, care workers and all front line workers and volunteers. We pray for race equality and for all victims of race crime and brutality.
Remember all those who have died recently including Michael Bloor. We remember those whose anniversary of death occurs at this time including Jim Nuttal, Doreen Fryer, Tren RUSH and Mary Stephens.
Taking it in turns to pray for each other – this week we pray for St MIchael.
Home Groups and Daily Prayer
Our Home Groups are staying in touch via phone, email and social media. We are praying regularly, especially at 9am. If you would like hard copies of spiritual resources, or need help getting on to facebook, please contact
Revd Rose (01208 592353 –
Private Prayer in Church Buildings
For more information about visiting the churches and what to expect, please visit our website.

Alpha will continue on Wednesdays throughout September 2nd, 9th,16th, 23rd Wednesdays, 7.30pm till 9pm. Contact Rev’d Geraldine for an invite at |
Cluster Zoom Meetings
The next Cluster Zoom is on Monday 7th September & is the final in the series ‘God in my pocket’ after that we will be taking a break for a few weeks. Everybody is welcome to attend a zoom meeting and it is a lovely way to see each other in this time of social distancing, just let Geraldine know if you are interested and she will invite you along.
Revd Geraldine Ashton – 07957 609085 /
Goods for St Petrocs
As it is not possible to have collection boxes in the churches at the moment this is a reminder that St. Minver Post Office is an alternative collecting point.
If you want to know more about the latest Church of England Guidance, please see:
Please find resources, previous services and more at our website: