Saturday 15 February, 10am
The Place of Silence – Jonathan Mosedale
We will reflect on our experiences of silence and look to the rich inheritance of Christian practice and theology, to ask what role has silence in the response of faith? Does silence help us remember who we are in a noisy world, or is it a way of evading uncomfortable truths?

Saturday 21 March, 10am
Knowing your Herods – Andrew Lewis
We have all heard of the Massacre of the Innocents by king Herod. But how did he become king of the Jews? Weren’t the Romans in charge? And how is he connected with the Herod who married his brother’s wife and put John the Baptist to death? And who was the Herod who put St James to death and was then eaten up by worms and died? Is the Herod Agrippa who is found trying the case against St Paul a relative? And what can we usefully learn about the writing of Scripture and its message from all this?

Saturday 25 April, 10am
The Sacred in Literature – Salley Vickers
Join Sally as she discusses how sacred art and writing of many cultures has influenced her own writing. Salley Vickers is a former Jungian analyst and University lecturer. She is the best-selling author of two short story collections and ten novels.
Places are £10 and can be booked at or on 07787 944935