Sunday Worship

9.30am Holy Communion (1st & 3rd  Sunday of the month)
All Age Worship (2nd  & 4th Sunday of the month)
St James the Great, St Kew
9.30am Morning Worship (1st & 3rd Sunday of the month)
Holy Communion (2nd & 4th  Sunday of the month)
St Peter’s, Port Isaac
11.00am Sung Eucharist


St Endellion


11.00am Holy Communion with Junior Church (1st, & 3rd Sundays of the month)
All Age Worship (2nd & 4th Sunday of the month)
St Minver
3.00pm Evensong (BCP)
Holy Communion
  (4th Sunday of the month)
St Enodoc
6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Holy Communion
(9.15am, 2nd  Sunday of the month)

St Michael’s

Weekday Worship

Tuesday 8.30am Eucharist BCP St Endellion

Home Groups and Daily Prayer

If you’d like to try one of our Home Groups, which meet on a Tuesday evening, or attend Morning or Evening Prayer, please contact the Revd Prebendary Craig Marshall

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